In the late 22nd century, East Africa Stellar Engineering built a trio of colony ships to bring humanity to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. Each ship carried close to...
In the late 22nd century, East Africa Stellar Engineering built a trio of colony ships to bring humanity to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. Each ship carried close to...
Do you like necromancers? Do you like space? Wo...
This Mortal Coil is both a standalone science-horror setting for Liminal Horror and a toolkit for incorporating necromancy and space travel into your own Liminal Horror, Cairn, and other Into...
Do you like necromancers? Do you like space? Wo...
This Mortal Coil is both a standalone science-horror setting for Liminal Horror and a toolkit for incorporating necromancy and space travel into your own Liminal Horror, Cairn, and other Into...
Crawlspace - Week 1
I've collected the entries for my first week of #dungeon23 in handy-dandy PDF form. You can grab it for free! CRAWLSPACE
Crawlspace - Week 1
I've collected the entries for my first week of #dungeon23 in handy-dandy PDF form. You can grab it for free! CRAWLSPACE
CRAWLSPACE for #dungeon23
Sean McCoy, designer of Mothership, tweeted a challenge: design a megadungeon by creating one room a day for 365 days. I've decided to take the challenge and am crating an...
CRAWLSPACE for #dungeon23
Sean McCoy, designer of Mothership, tweeted a challenge: design a megadungeon by creating one room a day for 365 days. I've decided to take the challenge and am crating an...
Status update and Patreon launch!
About six months ago, I relaunched Amalara Game Studio as an experiment. I'd briefly taken a step into the professional publishing world about 20 years ago, but I had neither...
Status update and Patreon launch!
About six months ago, I relaunched Amalara Game Studio as an experiment. I'd briefly taken a step into the professional publishing world about 20 years ago, but I had neither...
And now a sneak peek at the upcoming screenplay...
From the upcoming screenplay* based on Agent Purrvocateur. --- SETTING: The secret island lair of the mad doctor, Madame Docteur Catorze.MADAME DOCTEUR CATORZEHahahahah! I have wired the Explodinators to...SPECIAL AGENT...
And now a sneak peek at the upcoming screenplay...
From the upcoming screenplay* based on Agent Purrvocateur. --- SETTING: The secret island lair of the mad doctor, Madame Docteur Catorze.MADAME DOCTEUR CATORZEHahahahah! I have wired the Explodinators to...SPECIAL AGENT...